Too muchness
I learned to leave the room
When I was feeling too much
to run down the hallway to my bedroom
so not to splatter my big emotions out onto my family members
who either didn’t care or know how to be in the room with them.
When my body takes on the curled up and tremoring shape of feeling like I’m “too much”,
I still pull away
My too muchness learned to dress in shame
tugging on me to tuck away so no one will see—
that I sense and I see in high resolution and sometimes
I wish I could blur the images or drown out the sounds,
but that’s not my nature.
I learned to cast off my nature
to dull my gradient of color and pixelate the high resolution view
so to not make others feel uncomfortable
so to not be too much for them.
And sometimes it is too much
but it also lets me know I’m alive—
a sentient being
in an over sensory world
with too much trying to make sense and not enough sensing
I learned that logic was better than intuition
Because intuition doesn’t pay the
tuition or the bills
I learned to pull away when I was feeling too much
and it almost cost me my life.
But I was gifted the chance to stay—
to live in my senses, to love,
to belly laugh, to wail
to feel deeply.
I am learning that I’m not too much
that I can
move toward rather than away
to stay with the feeling and not be pulled under,
until it shape shifts
and the tides change
and the new moon phase comes
and I choose to stay for the next cycle
and the next one